Sunita Dawra, Labour Secretary, stresses quality job creation for reaping demographic dividends.

India, with over 1.3 billion people, boasts a demographic dividend, with almost two-thirds of its population under 35. Recognizing the significance of this demographic trend, Sunita Dawra, Labour Secretary, underscores the importance of creating good jobs. Her recent address at the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) meeting in New Delhi highlighted the critical role of quality jobs in India’s continued growth.

In her capacity as the Labour and Employment Ministry’s Secretary, Dawra demonstrates a robust vision centered on creating opportunities for inclusive growth. These efforts are poised to elevate India’s position in global markets. Dawra’s advocacy for the creation of quality jobs aligns with the imperative of harnessing India’s demographic dividend for future success.

Dawra is dedicated to making quality jobs more common. Her strategy is to make sure jobs are good, pay well, and have benefits. This will boost life for many Indians and help India stand out globally. By focusing on quality jobs, Dawra and the Ministry of Labour and Employment are working towards a brighter economy for India in 2047. For additional updates, browse through our collection of articles on our platform.

Importance of Quality Employment Generation

Creating good jobs is key in today’s world. It’s about not just making new spots but also making sure they are great. This means jobs have to be safe, pay well, and have benefits. This goal is part of the Viksit Bharat 2047 plan. It aims to make India more comeptitive and better for business, which will lead to more jobs.

Definition and Scope

Making good work goes beyond just giving people jobs. Changes to the law have made the work environment better. There are now fewer rules, but they’re more focused. More people are now working, and this is partly because of these changes.

Key Benefits

Good jobs boost the economy and make people spend more. This helps fight poverty and make society healthier. The changes in labor laws have made things fairer for workers. Having more women in important job roles also makes the working world better.

Read more about enhancing job quality and its impact

Sunita Dawra’s Message at CII Plenary Session

Sunita Dawra spoke at the CII Plenary Session, a key event for India’s future. She talked about creating top-notch jobs. These jobs are important to make the most of India’s young population. Dawra stressed the need for jobs that are safe, provide social safety nets, and offer fair chances to women.

Event Overview

The CII works with different groups like businesses, the government, and others. Together, they aim to boost India’s growth. At the CII Plenary Session, many topics were discussed. This included ways to make the economy grow faster and how to raise awareness about mental health. These efforts align with India’s wish to be more competitive worldwide.

Key Highlights

Dawra’s words hit home, saying India must make high-quality jobs to win globally. She talked about key things like job safety, workers’ benefits, and equal opportunities for women. Following global work rules is a must for India to truly excel.

CII’s efforts include projects like Green Cementech 2024 and the CII Puducherry Kaizen Competition in 2024. They show CII’s commitment to green growth and getting better every day. By working closely with partners such as the Ananta Aspen Centre, CII helps India reach its big goals in a consistent way.
In conclusion, Dawra highlighted that creating good jobs is essential for economic growth. Also, it helps tackle hurdles in global trading. This way, India can become a strong competitor in the world market.

Demographic Dividend and its Potential

The demographic dividend means a big boost in the economy. It happens when there are more people of working age than those who aren’t working. India is one of 13 countries looking at growing its economy based on this.

In India, many young people offer a great chance for success through jobs, new ideas, and learning new skills. For example, the Atal Innovation Mission helps young people think up new things. It has set up more than 10,000 places where they can learn and be creative.

In 2016, India started the Startup India program, which helped lots of new businesses start. This makes more jobs and brings new energy to the business world. The Digital India plan made government services easier to use and helped tech companies grow. It put India on the map in the digital world.

The Skill India program is also very important. It teaches people the skills they need for today’s jobs. This way, India’s young people can find good jobs. This helps use the country’s demographic dividend well.

YearReal GDP Growth (%)

With the 2024 General Elections coming up, the future looks bright for India. The economy is set to grow by 7.6% in 2023 and 6.8% in 2024. After the elections, we expect the government to spend less on certain things but for private businesses to invest more. This change shows the importance of using the demographic dividend wisely, along with smart money use and policies for growth.

Challenges in Employment Generation

India faces many challenges in creating jobs. The rise of automation and global competition has made it hard to create lasting jobs. The Ministry of Statistics’ survey showed a big increase in the number of people working from 2017-18 to 2022-23. But, this shows that we need to work harder to solve job market issues.

There have been changes to labor laws that aim to simplify things. More than 1,200 parts of labor laws were cut down to under 500. And about 1,400 rules were made simpler, dropping to around 400. With this, 29 labor laws are now just four new codes. It makes doing business easier, cuts down on complex rules, and makes the labor market more flexible.

Efforts to get more women into the workforce are also underway. The new laws are clearer, making it easier for businesses to follow. They also lessen jail time for certain offenses. And they encourage more women to be part of labor-related decision groups. This shows a big step towards making job creation more fair and sustainable.

Worker Population Ratio27%56%
Labor-Related Acts1,200+<500
Rules Streamlined1,400400
Female Participation in Decision-Making BodiesN/AOne-Third

These changes aim to make job creation more steady and to solve modern job market issues. India looks to use its young workforce to its advantage. It will be important to keep making new policies and updating education to meet the future’s job needs.

Inclusive Growth and Prosperity

In modern times, societies aim for growth that includes everyone and brings lasting success. Making sure jobs are spread fairly helps everyone benefit from economic progress. This boosts a nation’s wealth and keeps society strong and united.

Recent changes in labor laws have played a big role in this. We’ve seen more people working, from 27% to 56%. A big step forward showing the success of these changes. Also, many complex rules have been simplified, making things easier for everyone.

By combining 29 labor laws into just four and making it easier for businesses to follow, we help spread jobs more evenly. The new rules are business-friendly, using fines instead of jail time. This makes it easier to follow the rules through online checks.

Gender inclusivity is a key part of these changes. Now, one-third of the people advising are women. This move encourages more women to join the workforce and ensures different views are considered. Including women more helps the changes support long-term success and fair job opportunities for everyone.

Worker Population Ratio27%56%+29%
Labor Law Sections1,200+<500Rationalized
Labor Law Rules1,400+<400Streamlined

Labour Law Reforms for Quality Job Creation

In India, recent labour law changes have improved the job market. They’ve made it easier to start and run a business. By combining 29 labor acts into four codes, red tape has gone down. This makes it simpler for companies to follow the rules and work better.

Labour law reforms in India

Consolidation of Acts

The goal was to cut down the acts from over 1,200 to less than 500. Rules dropped from 1,400 to about 400. This simplification makes it easier for businesses. It helps them understand and obey the law, making it simpler to create good jobs. The new codes also have clear definitions, making things less confusing.

Enhancing Ease of Doing Business

The new laws make doing business in India easier. Now, companies only need one registration. Inspections are online. And, fines are preferred over imprisonment for breaking the rules. This change removes a lot of stress from business operations. It also shows a move towards being more technology-friendly and skilled.

Number of Acts294 Codes
Sections1,200+Less than 500
Rules1,400About 400

These changes don’t just make things easier for businesses. They also make the workplace better. With less focus on punishment, business environments become more positive. Women have more say in decisions that affect workers. This makes changes beneficial for everyone. The goal is to create jobs that are good for the economy by 2027.

Female Workforce Participation and Its Impact

In India, efforts to increase women’s labor force participation are showing great results. From 27% in 2017-18, the female worker participation grew to 56% in 2022-23. This jump marks a big step towards including women more in the job market.

Gender Equality in Workplace

Having gender equality at work is crucial for a fair and diverse environment. New laws now require a third of those making advisory decisions to be women. This change helps ensure women have a say in making important calls. It leads to better, fairer, and all-around stronger policies and rules at work.

Initiatives and Policies

India has set up many new rules to support women’s labor force participation and encourage diversity. They combined 29 laws into just four, making it easier for companies to follow them. They also reduced the number of rules and streamlined things. This makes it simpler for businesses to operate and be fair to everyone.

There’s also a big focus on creating jobs that are safe and give women a chance to grow. These steps help boost the country’s economy and make sure everyone benefits fairly from its growth.

Female Workforce Participation Ratio27%56%
Labor Acts Consolidated29 Acts4 Codes
Rationalized SectionsMore than 1,200Less than 500
Streamlined RulesAbout 1,400Around 400
Women in Advisory BodiesNot mandatoryOne-third

Sunita Dawra’s Vision for Viksit Bharat 2047

Sunita Dawra aims for India to join the list of developed nations by 2047. She outlines a plan that sets strategic economic goals. These aim to create high-quality jobs and make India a competitive player in global markets.

Strategic Goals

Viksit Bharat 2047

Her vision spotlights on boosting productivity, drawing in investments, and improving India’s ability to produce and export. The effort has already brought more jobs, with more people joining the workforce.

Key strategic goals include:

  • Grouping 29 labor laws into four to make them easier to follow and help the job market be more flexible.
  • Simplifying over 1,200 sections and 1,400 rules about labor down to fewer than 500 and 400, respectively.
  • Advocating for social security for everyone, setting minimum wages, and ensuring safe work conditions to attract international investments.

Long-term Plans

The long-term plan focuses on improving how much work gets done and getting more women to work. About 9% more women are now working, boosting the general amount of people working.

Dawra’s vision for Viksit Bharat 2047 also looks to:

  • Match global standards to sidestep trade obstacles.
  • Ensure one-third of decision-makers are women, pushing for more gender fairness.
  • Make setting up businesses easier and shift inspections online for a smoother process.

This detailed strategy doesn’t just look to improve the economy. It also aims for fairness and growth for all, aligning with Sunita Dawra’s economic vision for a strong, competitive India by 2047.

Recommendations for Achieving Higher Productivity

Boosting productivity in India needs a diverse strategy. It involves using new technology, training people with new skills, and changing policies. A key step is to use the latest technology more. This helps businesses grow and encourages them to try new things.

Investing in industries is also very important. This helps create more goods and services. By focusing on sectors that are growing, India can also sell more abroad. This makes the economy stronger globally.

Changing labor laws can also make a big difference in how much we get done. For example, turning over 1,200 labor rules into less than 500 is a big change. It makes doing business easier. And, making sure women are part of decision-making helps everyone have a say. This leads to better and fairer productivity. Interested in expert views on the economy? Discover additional articles to gain further understanding here.



What is the importance of quality employment generation?

Creating quality jobs is key for better economy, spending power, and less poverty. It means jobs with good working conditions, fair pay, and benefits.

What were the key highlights of Sunita Dawra’s message at the CII Plenary Session?

Sunita Dawra talked about creating good jobs. She said this is essential for India’s future success. She focused on job safety, fair pay, and equal opportunities.

What is the demographic dividend and how can India benefit from it?

The demographic dividend is when more people work than those who don’t. This situation can boost the economy. To make this happen, India needs to invest in education and job creation.

What are some challenges in generating quality employment?

Automated jobs and global competition pose challenges. To tackle them, we need new work and education policies. These will help people get ready for future jobs.

What does inclusive growth and prosperity entail?

Inclusive growth means everyone benefits from economic progress. This leads to a wealthier and fairer society. It’s about giving everyone a chance to work and share in the country’s success.

What recent labor law reforms have been implemented in India?

India recently updated 29 labor laws into four codes. These changes make the job market better. They help businesses work easily and meet global standards.

How important is female workforce participation in India’s economic growth?

Having more women working boosts the economy and makes it fairer. Laws now support women working. This helps in the country’s economic growth.

What is Sunita Dawra’s vision for Viksit Bharat 2047?

Sunita Dawra’s dream for 2047 focuses on creating great jobs and improving India’s place in the world market. She wants India’s work laws to be competitive globally.

What are the recommendations for achieving higher productivity in India?

We should use more technology, train people better, and change our economic strategies. This will boost how much we make and sell. It will make more jobs too.

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